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Rescuers pluck 2 men and a dog to safety after 45 minutes in cold Salish Sea

442 Squadron rescues two men and a dog after boat capsizes near Powell River

Vancouver Island’s 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron put its training to the test recently, performing a hoist rescue after a boat carrying two men and a dog capsized in rough waters.

According to a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCA social media post, at approximately 3 p.m. Pacific Time on March 30, Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) Victoria tasked the COmox-based 442 Squadron to respond to a capsized vessel east of Texada Island, near Powell River.

“Already airborne in the vicinity was a 442 Squadron Cormorant helicopter ‘906’ with an instructor pilot and a student on their first Cormorant trip under instrument flight rules,” read the post. “Although search and rescue technicians were not on board given it was a training flight, JRCC tasked ‘Rescue 906’ to get their eyes on the people in distress while a second Cormorant with SAR Techs on board was making its way to the scene.”

Rescue 906 spotted the people on a “steep, rocky shore.”

“… the people in distress had let go of the boat after exhaustion and drifted for 45 minutes in frigid water… The crew of Rescue 906 quickly determined that the 87-year-old needed immediate assistance. ”

The flight engineer and one of the pilots used the rescue basket to retrieve the two people and their dog. It was a 150-foot hoist rescue. They then started warming up the patients until the other Cormorant joined them and escorted them back to Comox.

Upon landing at 19 Wing, several SAR techs swarmed the aircraft to attend to the patients in serious condition. Their effective care quickly turned the table and stabilized the patients.

The two patients were taken to hospital by ambulance. As dogs were not permitted in the hospital a Military Police member from 12 MP Flight who was on shift took it upon himself to keep the dog with him at the station until the patients were released.

“Thanks to this amazing teamwork, two people and their dog are safe and sound and will soon rejoin their families,” added the RCAF social media post.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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