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Roadside worker safety a hot topic in warm weather

Oak Bay Police take to Twitter to remind drivers of roadside worker safety concerns

Summer weather means more roadwork across the region.

More crews roadside means more need for drivers to pay attention to signage and traffic control personnel. Unfortunately, it leads to an increase of concerns, raised by roadside workers.

“On occasion, including today, we receive complaints from flaggers about individuals driving recklessly through construction zones,” said Oak Bay Police Deputy Chief Ray Bernoties. “While I’m pleased this doesn’t occur too frequently here, even once could destroy many lives. Thus we take this very seriously and have no hesitation in enforcing the applicable laws.”

Municipal workers, landscapers, flag people, tow truck drivers, road construction and maintenance workers, telecommunications and utility workers, and emergency and enforcement personnel work roadside. The fine, Oak Bay Police Department reminded readers via social media, is $253.

The Tweet is part of Oak Bay Police Department’s latest surge in social media to get important messages out.

“It’s such an effective way to communicate directly and instantly to thousands of people,” Bernoties said. “This can be an excellent tool for Police as there are so many applications, from getting the public’s help finding a missing child, returning stolen property, advising or a road closure, or other public safety issues.”

Last month using the @OakBayPolice handle, they issued a plea to keep dogs at home, and not in hot cars – a message pertinent again this week as temperatures are set to soar to record-breaking heights.

“Creative tweets have a much higher likelihood of being viewed and widely disseminated, so when appropriate, we try to make it interesting in hopes that our message will be read,” Bernoties said.



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About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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