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Two reports of a cougar near Brydon Park

A cougar could be on the prowl in the Royal Oak neighbourhood after two reports this weekend from pedestrians in Brydon Park.

A cougar could be on the prowl in the Royal Oak neighbourhood after two reports this weekend from pedestrians in Brydon Park.

The first report came Friday afternoon, after a large cat was spotted on a westbound trail leading toward Mann Avenue. The report said the cougar was watching pedestrians.

On Saturday evening, police were called a second time from a pedestrian on the same trail who reported hearing "a large cat snarling" though the animal was never actually seen.

After both calls, Saanich police went to Brydon Park, which is a greenspace with a playground between Viewmont Avenue and Vanguard Place.

Police did not find evidence of a cougar.

Residents are being asked to be alert when in the area, and are reminded to keep children and small pets close.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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