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Vancouver Island man sentenced to 4 months in jail for child porn possession

Police found 31-year-old in possession of 1,300 images
Nanaimo courthouse.

Note: The following story contains mention of sexual crimes against children. Reader discretion is advised.

A Parksville man has been sentenced to four months in jail and 30 months of probation, after he pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography.

Police searched several devices owned by James Lucas Young and found more than 1,300 images and 10 videos that depicted children between the ages of three and eight years old being assaulted by adults, Judge Tamara Hodge said during a sentencing hearing Feb. 5 in Nanaimo provincial court.

Young called 911 on Dec. 27, 2022 and reported he was in possession of child pornography. He also said he had taken the drug MDMA and had not slept for two days. Young had heard police sirens and believed they were coming to arrest him, Hodge said.

Hodge noted this case is "unique", in that Young, 31, not only turned himself in, despite there not being a police investigation, but also co-operated with investigators by providing the passwords to his devices.

The judge also noted Young expressed remorse, was compliant with his conditions while on bail, actively sought help and indicated a willingness to take medication for his urges.

During the sentencing hearing, Hodge said Young first encountered child pornography by accident at 12 years old and continued to view it. The frequency that he looked at the material depended on the level of stress and substance abuse he was experiencing.

While on probation, Young will be prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol or drugs.

He will be allowed one cellular device with strict conditions, including not using the internet or social media, unless for circumstances such as post secondary education or looking for employment.

He will be on the sex offender registry for 20 years. Young will be prohibited for 10 years from locations where children can reasonably be expected to be present, such as school grounds and swimming pools.

Kevin Forsyth

About the Author: Kevin Forsyth

As a lifelong learner, I enjoy experiencing new cultures and traveled around the world before making Vancouver Island my home.
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