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Vancouver Island RCMP return stolen electric trike to senior

Barb Dobree has her wheels back.
Barbara Dobree was all smiles Thursday night, when her electric trike that had been stolen over the weekend was returned. Comox Valley RCMP found the trike, and Dobree had it picked up at the detachment. Photo supplied

Barb Dobree has her wheels back.

The Comox senior put a call out on social media on Feb. 19, after it was discovered someone had stolen her electric trike she relies upon for mobility.

RELATED: Comox senior has her specialized e-trike stolen

“I have a health condition where I am no longer allowed to drive, so I had to sell my car, and my walking is not that great, even though I am in a central location,” she said. “And I certainly can’t carry groceries. So I decided I needed something.”

When she posted the social media plea for its return, she wasn’t expecting much.

“Only four per cent of all stolen bikes are ever recovered,” she said.

Welcome to the ‘Four Per Cent Club,’ Barb!

Dobree received a call from the Comox Valley RCMP on Thursday, informing her that the trike had been found and confiscated, and was at the station for her to pick up.

“My daughter went to pick it up at the police station,” said Dobree. “It was found at the homeless camp near Walmart.”

Dobree said she has yet to take it for a ride, but it looks to be in good condition.

“I haven’t really had a good look at it yet, but the wheels go around,” she said. “I haven’t tested it out yet, because the battery was dead, and it was late (when I got it back). There’s no obvious damage. There is a box missing that was in the basket at the back, but that’s no big deal.”

The trike was in Dobree’s assigned underground parking spot at her strata when it was stolen. She has put it in her storage locker now.

She is grateful for all the support she received from the community over the past week.

“I had so many people (sharing the post) and commenting, it was just amazing,” she said. “Social media is a good thing, sometimes.”
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Terry Farrell

About the Author: Terry Farrell

Terry returned to Black Press in 2014, after seven years at a daily publication in Alberta. He brings 24 years of editorial experience to Comox Valley Record...
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