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Assistant Fire Chief Lance Caven honoured in Langford

Procession sees hundreds of firefighters march to Belmont school

A memorial for Langford Fire Rescue’s Assistant Chief Lance Caven saw Belmont Secondary School’s gym packed Saturday (April 29) afternoon with family, friends, firefighters and other community members wishing to pay their respects.

A large procession led by firefighter piper bands marched from Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School to Belmont, Caven’s alma mater, where the funeral service was held. A number of friends and former colleagues spoke during the service, including Langford Fire Chief Chris Aubrey.

“I stand before you today as Langford fire chief. But make no mistake, we’re talking about my best friend. I know many of you here today can also call Lance your best friend. His heart was big enough to have so many close relationships that you could still make us all feel like we were the most important person to him.”

Caven spent more than 30 years with Langford Fire Rescue, first as a volunteer when he joined in 1991, then moving into a career position in 2002, and finally working as assistant chief since 2017.

“Ever since he was a little boy, he wanted to be a firefighter. I remember when he was only three years old, his dad and I bought him a green tricycle. He asked us if we could take him back and get a red one because he wanted to be a fireman,” said Caven’s mother Diane Ball.

Caven died on March 19 after a battle with cancer. He was 50 years old.

“Your dad and I loved you so much. We were both very, very proud of you. Especially the way you were highly respected by your co-workers in your community. I’m going to miss our visits and phone chats, the way you worried about me and the way you were always there whenever I needed you.”

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the BC Cancer Foundation or the Goldstream Food Bank.

ALSO READ: ‘Utterly heartbroken’: Langford in mourning after death of long-serving firefighter

ALSO READ: Langford fire chief calls for change to end firefighter cancer deaths

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