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A letter of thanks and encouragement

Reader says freedom and security do not come without a price

As I laid in bed the other evening, I mulled over this year’s particular increase in my property taxes due to our recent property assessment. I also thought about the dreaded April 1 when all other services seem to announce their rate increase. How much more for Hydro, water and internet services this year?

All this thinking gave me the urge to get out of bed and pen a letter of self-pity to the editor.

Finally getting out of bed (it was 3 a.m.!), I realized something was amiss, no red numbers coming from the clock, nothing when I flicked the light switch. Oh damn, we were out of power, and it was a long time ago that I dumped my old Olivetti typewriter in favour of computers and Office word.

It was then that I heard the wind, funny that I had not been aware of the raging storm outside of my secure comfort zone earlier. I went out on the porch and could see the trees swaying and hear their branches breaking off with a crash. It was terrible outside, so I retreated into the secure safety of my house.

It was still dark at 6:20 a.m. when the power came back on. That gave me pause to do more thinking. Hydro work crews were out there all night, risking their all so that power could be restored. Our police, firefighters, and all other emergency and first responders were out there keeping us safe, too.

My proposed letter of self-pity is now one of thanks and encouragement. Thanks to all those who continually keep us warm and safe and encourage those who have had lost or damaged property. There will be better days.

This year, I resolve to pay my property tax and other increases with the knowledge that freedom and security do not come without a price.

Mike Thomas


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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