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Biblical idea of marriage cherry-picks passages

There is no Biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, writes Rev. J. McRee Elrod

Kyle Slavin, in “Want gay fries with that?” (The Gen-Y Lens, Aug. 10), said, “... the majority of those who don’t support same-sex marriage probably operate ... on biblical principles ....”

What Biblical principles are those? There is no Biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. There is 1 Timothy 3:12, which states: “Let deacons marry only once” (in contrast to Catholic unmarried priests). There is no indication of the gender of the marriage partner.

Many Biblical marriages were polygamous. Abraham pretended his wife was his sister, and pimped her out for his personal safety, as well has having a child by a servant. Noah had children with his daughters. The two most beautiful Biblical love stories (whether there was intercourse or not) are between two men (David and Johnathan), and between two woman (Ruth and Naomi). There are same-gender marriage ceremonies in early church documents, discovered by John Boswell.

Most who base their opposition to equal marriage rights on a verse in Ecclesiastes seem content to ignore more numerous instructions forbidding pork, certain sea foods, mixed fabrics, women speaking in church (1 Timothy 2:11-14), as well as the injunction not to judge others.

If one is to cherry-pick Biblical verses, there are better verses to select.

It is a pleasure for me to perform weddings for loving couples, regardless of gender.

Rev. J. McRee Elrod, Unitarian minister (retired), Metchosin



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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