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Canadian jobs must come first

Canadians should be outraged by RBC using trained Canadian workers to train temporary workers to outsource their jobs

Canadians should be outraged by RBC using trained Canadian workers to train temporary workers to outsource their jobs.

Now the finger pointing and blame game begins between the federal government and Canadian banks. I wonder how outsourcing bank jobs is good for the Canadian economy. We have a middle class disappearing in Canada and our government introducing in March the “Skills Training Program” to address this problem but the office across the hall is allowing multi-billion dollar companies to outsource $30 to $50 per hour jobs to countries that people’s cost of living is 25 per cent of what Canadians pay to live in our country.

These multi-billion dollar companies take full advantage Canadians to build their companies and the payback is to build economies in other countries.

Where is our government to take necessary steps to build the economy in jobs and stabilize our disappearing middle class?

Canadians just received a notice in from RBC increasing bank service rates May 1, 2013. Now in the same week we hear that Canadian workers at the bank are training temporary workers so their jobs can be outsourced to India. How is it beneficial to import temporary workers to pay a third of the wages?

Will the Conservative government take this as a serious problem or will they play semantics, excuse this as a misunderstanding and the “temporary worker” rules and guidelines are not the problem.

Economies around the world are changing and it is time for Canada to stop this nonsense. The Conservatives’ responsibility is to Canadians first.

Jo-Anne Berezanski

North Saanich


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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