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Cycling: It’s your destiny

I’ll wave at you from my bicycle, with a big smile on my face.

Dear single occupancy vehicle Colwood Crawlers:

The next time you are sitting in a hot, sweaty and frustratingly slow traffic jam (likely tomorrow and the day after) ask yourself: “Why am I doing this to myself?”

Remember you are not stuck in traffic – you are traffic. Know that there is a better way.

If you are commuting into Victoria, just look left (or right when going home) onto the Galloping Goose and see a wildly different commuting experience.  I’ll wave at you from my bicycle, with a big smile on my face.

Yes we cyclists smile while commuting – revolutionary! We have no concept of traffic jams. We sail along gleefully uninhibited. We’ll probably beat you to your destination during rush hour, even riding at a leisurely pace.

Not only that, we’ll do it way cheaper, we’ll get a great workout, we’ll have more fun and we’ll arrive in a way better mood.

It really is better over here.  Come and join us - we honestly want you to.  Everyone will be better off.  Before you know it you will understand that riding to work, even in winter, just involves a mindset change. You’ll look over and wonder how you ever did that to yourself.

As Darth Vader famously said: “It’s your Destiny.”

Tony Webster, Victoria



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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