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Examine both sides of abortion debate

Re: Pro-life voice needs better representation (Letters, May 20)

I fully agree with the writer. Pro-life’s beliefs as well as their emotional state should be brought out into the open.

When they say that the fetus is a baby, do they mean that they can hold the fetus in their arms or take it for a ride in a pram? Let’s hear their side of this.

And the posters they use should be fully exposed to public view so we can better judge why they feel the need to interject their feelings on strangers who have entirely different lifestyles. How do they develop such strong feelings for the contents of a stranger’s uterus?

I found nothing in the writer’s letter that helps me understand their trauma and bringing it all out in the open could help us finally resolve this polarizing issue. Thanks to the News for opening this topic up for discussion

Andy Mulcahy


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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