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Finger pointing over compost

Regarding the composting issue in Tanner Ridge, this is nothing to do about the ease of complaining

Regarding the composting issue in Tanner Ridge, this is nothing to do about the ease of complaining.

When there are problems to be resolved between two parties (four in this case), finger pointing like Ms. Hansen did in her recent letter took me back to elementary school simplicity. I prefer constructive criticism, which is the basis for resolving conflicts to better all those involved.

Central Saanich says to complain to the CRD, as they have a good record of not getting involved in any issues outside of Brentwood Bay or Saanichton, which have been pampered with street improvements, tree planting, park upgrades, low traffic speeds and traffic calming.

Meanwhile, Tanner Ridge, the middle child or poor cousin, gets increased traffic, Keating business degradation, zero truck bylaw signage and now a smell that would make an untreated port-a-potty seem like a walk at Butchart Gardens.

Come over to my place Ms. Hansen. I’m sure the smell won’t be too bad for you while I make you some lunch, as I’m only a mile away. Sure hope for the day I find some sucker to buy my home so I can leave this municipality before they raise my taxes again for the 18th time. Oh, I’m sorry, I am finger pointing.

S. Walker

Central Saanich


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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