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Give residents option to opt out of city garbage collection

Re: Victoria residents brace for utility fee increase, (News Dec. 14).

Re: Victoria residents brace for utility fee increase, (News Dec. 14).

The article states: “… solid waste collection costs will rise by $5.90, to a new total of $202.92. That’s due to increases in salary, equipment and yard-waste facility costs. It’s also due to the added cost of preparing for the new organics and garbage collection program in 2013.”

The public was recently asked to submit a questionnaire on future garbage collection options. Has the city already decided what to impose before the results are assessed?

I have one small bag of trash per week – the one I put in the can yesterday weighed less than 700 grams. On a yearly basis this is $5.50 per kilo of trash.

I’d be happy with fewer pick ups, with the can at the curb, and no organic collection (I have three compost bins). Better yet, let me opt out and find a private disposal system.

City costs are rising too fast. Better to reduce the bloated number of expensive upper and middle managers, and keep the people who wield the tools.

Roel Hurkens



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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