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Green space lost

If there is need of a new fire hall, it should be located where paramount considerations should be safety to the public in an emergency

The win-win as Mr. Lougheed suggests in his Jan. 3 letter (regarding the potential relocation of the Sidney fire hall), would be a true win-win for the Town and the School Board, but most of all for the Provincial government which has for many years increasingly provided inadequate funding to the school boards throughout the province.

School boards have found it mandatory to squeeze and cut services, thus denying a well rounded education to this province’s greatest asset, our children. The Saanich School District board’s willingness to sell property is a short term and partial alleviation to its current year financial situation. It is easy to forget or ignore the fact the disposed asset will be lost as a communal asset to all future generations.

Mr. Lougheed seems to imply North Saanich readers need not busy themselves with Town of Sidney interests. He is correct when he refers to Sidney as “our town.”  Without doubt, each and every merchant in Sidney is appreciative of North Saanich residents who support them. This writer has more than a casual interest in the Town as he, for 24 years, was a teacher at Sidney Elementary.

Other than the Tulista Park areas, Sidney has inadequate green space. The previous North Saanich School property has been lost to development. No part of the Sidney Elementary School grounds should be allowed to suffer the same demise.

If there is need of a new fire hall, it should be located where paramount considerations should be safety to the public in an emergency.

R. B. Burns

North Saanich


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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