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Haultain and Foul Bay bike crossing a winner

As an active cyclist and pedestrian, I constantly experience difficulties crossing Foul Bay Road

One can only sigh at the vitriol generated by your letter writer Map a cheaper option (Letters, April 10) in response to Oak Bay’s plan to upgrade the Haultain and Foul Bay intersection. Why, in Oak Bay, does the mere suggestion of an upgraded crossing evoke such anger?

As an active cyclist and pedestrian, I constantly experience difficulties crossing Foul Bay Road, the busiest arterial road in Oak Bay. The one kilometre long straight stretch from Fort to Lansdowne contains only three pedestrian crossings, none of which provide cyclist-activated signals. A pedestrian must walk up to 300 metres to find a crosswalk on this great divide, against a stream of fast-moving traffic. Good luck.

This council was elected on a strong mandate to improve active transportation infrastructure, including pedestrian accessibility.

In the past, Oak Bay has been a notorious laggard in making necessary improvements, some of which are particularly acute on the busy arterial corridors (parts of Oak Bay Avenue, Foul Bay Road, north Henderson and Cadboro Bay Roads.)

Councillor Kirby is providing refreshing leadership and a strong commitment to improve the quality of our transportation infrastructure and bring it up to a level seen elsewhere in greater Victoria.

These are wise and modest investments that will make our community more accessible for the elderly, our children and grandchildren, or anyone using non-motorized transportation (wheel chairs, scooters, walkers, strollers, etc.) It is widely recognized that getting people out of cars more often is good for business, the environment, eases traffic congestion, and promotes good health. Everybody wins.

Lesley Ewing

Oak Bay



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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