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LETTER: Is anybody listening at city hall?

Re: Council falls short on decisions and actions ( Letters , March 25)

Re: Council falls short on decisions and actions (Letters, March 25)

What a relief to see Nina Leshinskaya’s letter in the last issue of the Sooke News Mirror. It’s good to see I’m not the only one bothered by the tone of the Picture Sooke survey.

There seems to be an assumption that a doubling of Sooke’s population in the coming years is somehow inevitable. Let us hope and pray that is not so.

Langford is a prime example of what we don’t want to see happening here – tiny shed roof apartments crammed into every square foot of development space.

My wife and I moved back to Sooke seven years ago. We lived here previously from 1977 to 1982. Already the change was palpable, and the traffic along Highway 14 worse and growing more worse by the day.

As Leshinskaya speculates, it seems that some members on the council and our mayor seem envious of the fiasco down the road in Langford. To which I say: No, thank you!

Instead of figuring out where to cram more people into our downtown core, how about trying to save what is left of our green spaces and our waterfront. Is anybody at city hall listening these days?

Andy Neimers


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