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It’s time to stand up to cellphone giants

Big Telecom executives have a sense of entitlement that is bad for our digital economy and our country.

Canadians pay some of the highest cellphone fees for some of the worst service in the industrialized world.

We suffer from high prices and poor service because three giant cellphone conglomerates control nearly 94 per cent of the market.

To make matters even worse, Big Telecom is trying to block our access to affordable mobile services by gobbling up scarce wireless spectrum assets.

Canadians are standing up to Big Telecom, and telling Industry Minister James Moore we expect him to create sensible rules that favor choice and innovation.

We need to ensure that independent providers have the resources they need to offer the choice and lower prices Canadians deserve.

Tens of thousands of Canadians have told the federal government to stop Big Telecom from killing affordability in Canada’s mobile Internet and cellphone market at

Big Telecom executives have a sense of entitlement that is bad for our digital economy and our country.

I encourage every Canadian to learn more at, and read’s study about Canada’s dysfunctional cellphone market

Evans Errickson, Victoria



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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