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Keeping informed critical in democracy

City of Victoria staff doing its best to limit information flow

Re: City seeks limits on requests for information (News, Sept. 28)

I just read your article detailing how City of Victoria staff have applied to the Freedom of Information Office to prevent journalists working for or with Focus magazine from pursuing more than one active request at a time, including the appeal period.

I want to express my personal outrage over this blatant attempt by city staff to muzzle the magazine from reporting the city’s many machinations and its undeniable history of spinning a hurricane of misinformation over the Johnson Street Bridge replacement project.

This latest move by City Hall to derail the democratic process is laughably transparent. I sincerely hope it will be resisted by the authorities concerned, especially the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C.

Publisher Dave Broadland and Focus magazine should be commended by all who care about our city, for keeping its citizens fully informed, while the staff at City Hall are busy coming up with a multitude of ways to prevent that very information, the lifeblood of democracy, from being revealed to citizens who are paying the freight.

Ryan E. Langkamer
