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Langford development has broader aid, says reader

New developments contribute municipal, regional and school taxes


Re: Time to put a lid on development permits (Letters, May 10)

In response to Mr. Jackson’s letter, I would respectfully suggest that the real estate market is a bit more complicated than what Mr. Jackson understands.  Not only do new developments contribute municipal, regional and school taxes, development cost charges and amenity charges levied at the time of subdivision, development and rezoning make a significant contribution towards new municipal infrastructure such as roads, sidewalks and parks, as well as schools and the regional water supply.

It is incorrect to suggest that infrastructure has not kept pace with housing development in Langford, as the infrastructure needs of each development are measured by council and then again by city hall staff before development approvals are granted. Approvals which often come with a requirement to construct infrastructure.

Although local government exerts a great deal of influence over what gets developed, and where, it is unreasonable to think that they do, can or should control development to the extent that Mr. Jackson suggests.

Moreover, it is wrong to believe that intervention by any local government in an attempt to “let the market readjust to a balanced state” would have any positive benefit to the housing market, affordability or the community at large.

It’s unfortunate that Mr. Jackson has only been in Langford since 2005, it seems he doesn’t appreciate the huge infrastructure changes for the better that Langford has experienced because of new development.


Jim Hartshorne, president

Westshore Developers Association



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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