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LETTER: A Christmas wish for the unvaccinated

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

The last time I wrote you, postage was five cents, and Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer was not in a song yet. But you came through, and I got my sleigh as requested. My request now needs a bit of a lead in so here goes.

I have a friend, a kind person, one whose passion is helping those in need, particularly the hungry, homeless or broken. She has a medical issue that requires surgery to remove what is slowly poisoning her body. Before COVID hit, her team of doctors and specialists agreed on a two-stage surgery process.

Then COVID came, and the first stage was delayed due to pandemic patients overwhelming our hospitals. Recently the first surgery had to be performed on an urgent basis. It is evident that more surgery is needed; however, it is delayed due to COVID overload.

The difference this time is that most COVID patients hospitalized now are unvaccinated.

Now Santa, I know that these anti-vaxxers believe in their rights, and lots of them believe that science is wrong, and their internet sources point to the path to follow. Using that reasoning, I know that they all believe in Santa Claus, so my Christmas wish to you is that when you do your visitations, please let them know that if they get vaccinated, it will free up hundreds of hospital beds which will allow critical surgeries to proceed.

If that happens, I think that many hundreds of suffering folk will have their Christmas wishes answered.

Well, Santa, as a pensioner, instead of buying a dollar stamp to send this letter, I am sending it to the newspaper editor instead.

Mike Thomas


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