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LETTER: Assistance appreciated

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to some of Sidney’s finest citizens.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to some of Sidney’s finest citizens.

On my regular walk, I tripped on the changing elevation in the sidewalk, and did an amazing five-point landing, doing the most damage to my mouth area.

I was immediately helped by oncoming walkers, who turned out to be a retired fireman/paramedic, Gabe, and his wife, Joan. They not only administered first aid, complete with a primary assessment, Gabe also walked with me to a local clinic. (I had turned down their suggestion for an ambulance.)

A big thank you also to nearby resident, Danielle, who provided needed first aid supplies, as well as her patio as a treatment area. Finally, another big thank you to Dr. McKay and the emergency staff at Saanich Peninsula Hospital for their excellent care.

Nancy Coutts


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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