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LETTER: Better maintenance needed at Elk Lake

I’m writing to bring awareness about the poor condition of our local gem that is Elk Lake Regional Park.

I’m writing to bring awareness about the poor condition of our local gem that is Elk Lake Regional Park.

Thousands of locals use the main area daily and especially during spring and summer. The bathrooms have been closed for months and portables have been brought in with poor maintenance during a pandemic.

The playground was dismantled for almost two months with a big hole left there right before summer. The beach is in bad shape and it could use some cleaning, especially a large section that is closed due to some invasive plant. Why don’t we have

workers spend a few days clearing it.I’m sure our taxes allow for that.

How can we be expected to socially distance when a third of the area is closed for months. The grass is tall, the beach is not maintained, facilities are non-existant, but taxes are sure to be paid in July. I’m very disappointed, as thousands probably are daily.

Luciano Borghi


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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