I am responding to the Quadra McKenzie Plan. More importantly, I am referring to all of the streets around Greater Victoria.
The concrete barriers with the bike lanes are not working. When it snows where do the city workers plough the snow to? What about the shippers like DHL FedEx UPS even Canada Post, how do they complete their job safely without blocking a single lane of traffic? When a car accident or mechanical failure occurs, that vehicle blocks the only traffic lane.
We have data from EMS, fire, and police that they cannot get to emergencies in a timely fashion with single lanes. Furthermore, 40 km/h zones are not necessary. There should be 50 km/h zones with 30 km/h school zones.
The productivity of the city has now decreased to support 5% of the population. By the way, I am a cyclist, but only as a hobby. I'm sure 95% of the population in the city need a vehicle to commute to school, work, grocery shopping, errands, medical appointments, etc. It's an absolute travesty and I guarantee you all municipalities will change back with the first lawsuit after someone dies.
Bike lanes are an optional privilege, but council will only see this once a productivity of the city plummets. Let’s just keep on going to the bottom.
Jeremy King