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LETTER: Bicycles a part of daily life

Re: Bike lanes hurt businesses . Opinions that start with “people generally” are usually just that, opinions.

Re: Bike lanes hurt businesses. Opinions that start with “people generally” are usually just that, opinions.

Henry Fox’s recent claim that people on bicycles don’t shop was certainly not a fact. For example, I have a bike and a car, but I rarely take my car downtown if I can help it.

ALSO READ: Downtown Victoria businesses cite parking issues as top challenge

If I’m shopping for a new cellphone, it better fit in my pocket or I’m not interested. Shopping for shoes, new clothes, the perfect rain gear or a few bottles of wine? Either, or all, fit in my panniers. Buying new furniture or appliances? I’ll have it delivered as it wouldn’t fit in my car. Last but not least, buying a new bike? I’ll ride it away, of course. Bike shops are businesses, too, and I assume the ones in Victoria are doing well.

ALSO READ: Bike parking at a premium in Victoria

Of course, many of the businesses downtown provide services, not stuff. Off to see my financial advisor? File folders fit in my daypack. Meeting a friend for a meal? I’m sure that the restaurant doesn’t need me to bring groceries or dishes. Going to a movie? I’ll save the cost of parking and lock up my bike, possibly right in front of the theatre, for free.

I know there are those who cannot (or will not) cycle but please try to understand that many of your neighbours, customers and friends do.

We are not some odd creatures who just exist when we’re astride; we are also the people serving your coffee or sitting next to you at the theatre. Please be nice. Our lives depend on it.

ALSO READ: Reduce ease of parking, increase ease of accessibility

Alleson Kase


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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