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LETTER: Bike lanes bring havoc

Isn’t it interesting how bike enthusiasts require the total surrender of the automobile for Victoria’s six per cent of bicycle commuters? Brighton Street could be used for east-west bicycling much as Vancouver is for a north-south route. Downtown bike lanes are a grievous danger to a pedestrian not totally alert to buzzing cyclists.

Isn’t it interesting how bike enthusiasts require the total surrender of the automobile for Victoria’s six per cent of bicycle commuters? Brighton Street could be used for east-west bicycling much as Vancouver is for a north-south route. Downtown bike lanes are a grievous danger to a pedestrian not totally alert to buzzing cyclists.

The closing of Richardson at Foul Bay to through vehicular traffic is totally insane. And contrary to the views of a previous letter writer, it is not about the extra seven minutes of inconvenience for drivers. It is about the general havoc that these bike lanes will cause elsewhere.

Patrick Skillings

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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