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LETTER: Bowker Creek must be preserved

Per numerous scientific studies, it is impossible to provide an adequate buffer zone to preserve Bowker Creek for salmon and wildlife per SD61’s proposal for the sale and development of the Lansdowne School property.

Per numerous scientific studies, it is impossible to provide an adequate buffer zone to preserve Bowker Creek for salmon and wildlife per SD61’s proposal for the sale and development of the Lansdowne School property.

Future consideration should more rationally include the highest and best use for the students we support, which includes SD61’s land.

Consider revegetating the land using native plants to restore and preserve the Bowker Creek watershed, perhaps as a school project, and for a park. First Nations’ involvement in such a project should be gratefully solicited and welcomed.

Lansdowne students, including students and staff in SD61, at nearby Camosun, and from UVIC, along with community participation, would all benefit. This is a win-win for both the students, their education, our health, and proper stewardship of our environment.

Oak Bay High’s student project to support Bowker Creek is but one example toward this type of success.

Note: in Scandinavia, lobbyists are banned by law.

Ballots contain what people pay their taxes for, by category and subcategory: education, environment, health, transportation, infrastructure. Voters choose for each subcategory: do they want to pay the same, more, or less?

Politicians there follow the voters’ wishes. If so, they may be re-elected, or elected to higher office. This is democracy in action.

I look forward to witnessing adult salmon return to Bowker Creek.

Marlene Oliver


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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