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LETTER: Campers in Horth Hill leave lingering questions for residents

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An open letter to the person who spent this summer living rough in Horth Hill Park:

There are a lot of us who walk the trails regularly in Horth Hill Park. This week’s discovery of your encampment has stirred the imagination of all. So many questions come to our minds.

How could we, and even more incredibly our dogs, have missed your presence? How did you transport the materials up to the elevation and distance to your camp? How did you construct and maintain the structure without drawing attention to yourself. I think it is clear that you acquired much by pilfering (that word seems more palatable than stealing), but still it’s an impressive couple truckloads the CRD hauled away.

Looking at what remains of your “camp” it is obvious you had some respect for your natural surroundings. There seems no evidence of disregard for the beauty of the park and significantly, no evidence of a fire in what was a dangerous summer. Having said that, the CRD spent considerable effort restoring the camp to its natural state.

You have captured my imagination. I think it is a natural tendency to sometimes have a vicarious frame of mind. You have opted out, for at least the summer, and done it in a way which has garnered my curiosity.

On behalf of all of us who walk Horth Hill Park, we wonder, we speculate and we would like to hear from you.

RR Rogers

North Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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