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LETTER: Canada needs to embrace clean energy alternatives

A flare stack burns off excess gas at a processing facility near Crossfield, Alta. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)

I am semi-retired and living in Victoria. I have been educating myself about the issue of climate change, reading and taking courses, and it is clear that the underlying cause is CO2 and other emissions from the burning of fuels in cars, buildings, and electricity production.

This has been known for decades. I am old, so I remember it being discussed in the ’80s. This was around the time when oil and gas companies decided to hide the evidence, and they have been doing it ever since.

One lie being spread in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. is pretending that LNG, aka ‘natural’ gas, is clean. It is not. It is one of the worst fuels: not only does it produce pretty much the same amount of CO2 as any other fuel, but it is almost pure methane, which has 80 times the warming potency of CO2 and leaks everywhere, including from kitchen gas stoves.

New LNG installations should ideally become stranded assets.

Cheaper, more efficient alternatives are here: wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear; sassy new EVs and heat pumps (which also work for cooling).

Imagine: Cool jobs, no more oil tankers leaking, no more pipelines, and clean air.

Suzanne Crawley
