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LETTER: Carnarvon Park upgrades take back seat to pickleball

This is in response to the article in the June 30 Oak Bay News, ‘Rubber Fencing Ok’d for Carnarvon pickleball court.’

This is in response to the article in the June 30 Oak Bay News, ‘Rubber Fencing Ok’d for Carnarvon pickleball court.’

Alas, those pesky pickleballers continue to reign supreme at Carnarvon Park, and well-played on their part. Oak Bay council, again, has let the kids of Oak Bay down. Hey council, when was the last time you really spent money on the kids of Oak Bay? And please do not say the recreation centre, which is used by all ages. Don’t say parks because, well, that only became a budgetary item fairly recently, and it’s mainly for upgrades.

I am truly aghast that I have not seen significant improvements to Carnarvon Park (aside from painting the dugouts, which equals lipstick; some resurfacing of the tennis courts; again, not long term; and now we are throwing more money at pickleball? Really?

Has council crossed the divide and ventured over to the flats, to visit Carnarvon Park lately? If so, watch out for the numerous, and I mean numerous, potholes on Eastdowne; be prepared to get T-boned, or run over for that matter, at the awkward intersection where Haultain meets Eastdowne. Perhaps a traffic-calming roundabout? Nah, that would be too reasonable.

Does council know that we in the flats are secretly plotting a gas-powered leaf blower convoy to arrive at Oak Bay Municipal Hall soon? We can be rather ornery and cantankerous in these parts. I digress. I get rather sensitive when it comes to the old fairgrounds and my neighbours.

I should resign myself to instructing my kids to play pickleball, I guess. I’ve tried joining committees, decommissioned commissions, and still, nothing to show for it. We get vague drivel from our community ‘leaders’ about this or that timeline for the regeneration of one of the most beautiful greenspaces in all of Victoria. As Stu once said, an innumerable number of times: “This is horse hockey.”

Will Moore

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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