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LETTER: Central Saanich residents should be priority, not developers

I'm deeply concerned about the proposal by Aryze Development and the Legion Manor to dramatically alter the neighbourhood on Hovey Road.
A rendering of the proposed housing project on Hovey Road in Saanichton.

I'm deeply concerned about the proposal by Aryze Development and the Legion Manor to dramatically alter the neighbourhood on Hovey Road. As has been pointed out in many letters and media reports, the project does not comply with the letter or the intent of the official community plan.

We have lived in North Saanich since 2002 and lived in Central Saanich for 20 years before that. We have always been concerned with good governance for all of the CRD.

A recent letter from the Legion Manor and Aryze also raises red flags. While providing several paragraphs touting the presumed benefits of the project, it glosses over the intended contravention of the OCP provisions.  In fact, "… the project's thoughtful design, which reflects community feedback and adheres to the Official Community Plan (OCP)." is simply wrong.

During the meeting that they hosted on Jan. 15, public sentiment grew progressively more negative. If public sentiment towards this project was positive, then why the need for an expensive full-page promotional piece, ostensibly supported by over 70 mostly commercial interests?

However, I feel that the low point of the letter is the threat that this and other projects "will be built elsewhere" if "Central Saanich cannot offer a clear path forward…"  This aggressive stance plus the comments about monitoring the behaviour of municipalities and moaning about their entirely speculative investments of over $1 million, again signals the sense of entitlement fostered by their provincial lobbying group, the Urban Development Institute.

Despite the high-toned language ("… our shared mission to support vulnerable populations..."), this really is just a commercial opportunity that could be built elsewhere. Perhaps it should be. That might open the way for a more community-friendly proposal, in a better location that might offer more than only 13 affordable units.

Perhaps a careful re-reading of the recently revised OCP before investing their funds might improve their return on investment and spare them the extra cost of public meetings and full-page ads. Not to mention sparing the residents, especially those neighbouring the project, considerable anguish and expense. Aryze chose the location, not those living on Hovey Road.

There is only one group entitled to the attention and support of the council and that is the residents. After all, you are employed by the residents of the municipality, not the development community, and are obliged to respect the wishes of those residents and the intent of the OCP.

Springfield Harrison

North Saanich