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LETTER: Changes a welcome sight on Victoria roads

A section of bike lane along Fort Street. (City of Victoria photo)

Returning to Victoria recently after several years on the mainland, I was dismayed by what looked like major changes in the form of more roundabouts, four-way stops on almost every corner, parking spots separated from sidewalks by bicycle lanes whose occupants flew along silently in the face of safety and unsuspecting pedestrians. It was enough to keep me off the road for several weeks.

Once I got up the courage, my driving experience proved a pleasant surprise. More pedestrian crossings on Dallas Road, where they should have been all along, concrete dividers between car and bicycle traffic, newly painted lane-borders, safer crossing for pedestrians at four-way-stops, lower speeds on some roads, much-needed road repairs underway and almost completed in time for summer.

Well done, City of Victoria. It’s great to be back!

Danda Humphreys
