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LETTER: Checking vehicles would lengthen wait time at Oak Bay dump

Oak Bay plans to improve signage after a complaint of non-residents using the community dump. (Christine van Reeuwyk/News Staff)

This is regarding the use of the Oak Bay transfer station by stickerless vehicles. I am a part-time resident of Oak Bay and own my home.

I have devoted considerable effort to obtain a sticker for my car. Having exhaustively explored all reasonable avenues, I am very certain that Oak Bay municipal policy does not allow issuing transfer stickers for out-of-province vehicles.

The standing policy is that I must be prepared to provide proof of ownership and identification before dumping. It’s reasonable to assume that transfer station staff don’t check my stickerless Ford Escape with Alberta plates when I’m dropping off compost because they recognize me and my vehicle.

For that, I’m thankful as I feel it would unnecessarily lengthen the wait time for all who use the facility.

Keith Brown

Oak Bay