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LETTER: Climate accountability needed in OCP

The passage of Bill C12 by the federal government will commit Canada to meet the new greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) targets. The bill also requires, an emission reduction plan, progress report and an assessment report that will track the progress towards achieving these targets

The passage of Bill C12 by the federal government will commit Canada to meet the new greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) targets. The bill also requires, an emission reduction plan, progress report and an assessment report that will track the progress towards achieving these targets

Provincial legislation requires Sooke to include targets for the reduction of GHG in the official community plan currently being revised. The target recommendation of a seven per cent reduction annually requires the reduction of 3,760 tons of GHG annually. Sooke’s previous target for GHG reduction was 33 per cent by 2020. Our actual reduction was 0.1 per cent and construction emissions were not even included.

The latest draft OCP has emission targets but nowhere can I find a requirement for a reduction plan, progress reports and assessment reports. As Canada has recognized that transparency is required in the battle on the climate emergency, Sooke must also make accountability count in GHG reduction targets.

William Wallace


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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