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Letter: Climate change cannot wait for government action

As the new council takes its familiar seats and begins to address unfinished business, it will be interesting to see how Sooke’s climate change responsibilities are managed. Last week’s United Nations COP27 meeting in Egypt highlighted government’s failure to meet emission goals and threats to our planet.

As the new council takes its familiar seats and begins to address unfinished business, it will be interesting to see how Sooke’s climate change responsibilities are managed. Last week’s United Nations COP27 meeting in Egypt highlighted government’s failure to meet emission goals and threats to our planet.

Yet, there is much good news on the climate action front that does not hit the main media. Solar and wind energy production is now the cheapest way to produce electricity, even when compared to hydro. Innovation in the transition to green economies by industry is leading an exponential growth in job opportunities and economic development.

We can no longer assume governments will take responsibility for managing climate change, even at a local level. This has been demonstrated by Sooke council’s failure to initiate critical actions on climate change.

Instead, council has delayed discussion on its climate action plan, official community plan and new building codes and is questioning the position of climate action coordinator despite committing to funding the full-time position in 2022.

We must now take individual responsibility in our daily lives to join this transition to a new economic reality. We need to change how we live and work. I agree that small changes as individuals do not make a significant difference, but small fractional numbers added together can become a whole.

We, as individuals, can take many actions to support the path to a healthy, equitable planet. We can no longer wait for governments to deliver a just transition.

William Wallace


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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