It’s not that Conservatives are incompetent, it is just that such extreme remarks, views and choices offered by their current leader must not be taken lightly.
At a recent stop in Sudbury, Ont., Pierre Poilievre attempted to appear more 'prime ministerial', and as usual his organized event took only questions that fit within his narrative, allowing him to avoid being properly challenged as he delivered his tired troupes and misinformation. Proof of this attempt to control their leader's narrative, the Conservative national campaign director told media outlets their journalists won't be allowed to travel with the Conservative leader.
Skeptically, as the Conservatives enjoy a relationship with J.D. Vance via Jamil Jivani, it brings into question Donald Trump's comment, "a Liberal' would be 'easier to deal with" than Pierre Poilievre. The timing is suspicious given Poilievre's extreme drop in the polls.
The thing is, when one party moves so far to the right – a destination inhabited by Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Elon Musk and Jordon Peterson – it makes it critical for the electorate to decide who will constructively deal with our country’s challenges. One thing I am convinced of, our choice of leadership that is needed today isn't Pierre Poilievre.
William Perry