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LETTER: Coun. Day’s saga with the city not at an end

Re: Colwood councillor to face hearing over Code of Ethics violation concerns

Re: Colwood councillor to face hearing over Code of Ethics violation concerns

The Days’ story: In 1995, following the neighbour believing blackberries were the cause of a fallen tree in the hedge that she had planted on the boulevard, the city removed the thicket from a steep, six metre high slope creating a safety concern. With no city remediation planned, the Days spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to address the safety concern. With intervention by the mayor, the city didn’t require a permit.

READ ALSO: Colwood Coun. Cynthia Day arrested over ongoing dispute with city

In 2003, the city discovered a stacked rock wall on the boulevard. The Days applied for a highway use permit which included all of the boulevard improvements from 1995. At the request of a city engineer, a mortared rock wall was built in front of the stacked rock wall and back filled to lower the height of the stacked rock wall.

READ ALSO: Colwood mayor responds to councillor’s objections and arrest

In early February 2017, as a result of snow loading, two cedar trees in the neighbour’s overgrown hedge toppled and sheared off large hedge branches causing no damage. The clean-up of trees and branches was done that same month. Although requested, the city hasn’t provided the work order or the invoice for the clean-up.

On March 24, 2017, without any notice to the Days, the city clear cut every resident-planted evergreen tree on the boulevard destroying habitat and green space. The Days’ permitted and protected majestic giant Sequoia and four golden Lalonde trees were cut down.

Now Day is facing censure proceedings on June 6 for having attempted to save their remaining boulevard improvements. I guarantee, you have not heard the last of this story.

Geanine Robey


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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