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LETTER: Council delivers devastating blow to dog-lovers


Wow, way to go team! You really put the boots to those whimpering dog-lovers. The silly klutzes wanted a few more concessions on PPP, things like expanding the tight 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. leash-optional regulation, and maybe expanding the number of parks that have leash-optional at all, stuff like that.

But you showed them you were not having any of that nonsense. In a particularly sweet coup, you took away the extendable leashes. I love that one; dogs that could run free yesterday cannot even run to the end of a 20-foot leash today. That’s rich.

Those dog-lovers cry and moan about majorities and minorities. What they don’t realize is that the majority that counts is on Saanich council. I’m impressed with your near solidarity. Mayor Murdock let down the side by voting against the extendable leash amendment, a bit of a blemish on your otherwise unanimity.

I’ll tell you what’s really funny, there are lots of dog-lovers out there, happily enjoying our parks, who have not been paying attention. When you quiz them on the pathways you learn that many have little idea of what’s coming down on them. Boy, are they going to get a wake-up call.

I congratulate you on a hatchet job well done.

Don Cook
