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LETTER: Crazy times breed crazy policies

Re: Library phases out overdue fines ( News , Jan.12)

Re: Library phases out overdue fines (News, Jan.12)

So the Vancouver Island Regional Library system has eliminated all overdue fines because, in its words, “No one will suffer the indignity and embarrassment of punitive fines restricting their ability to read, watch and listen to the 750,000 physical items in our collection.”

I’ve never felt embarrassed when paying a library fine, and a quick survey of those I know share that view. And I don’t understand the “indignity” reference. It’s a library fine, not a drunk driving fine.

Canada has become a country with fewer consequences for bad, selfish and illicit behaviour. To follow that logic, there are fewer reasons to do the right thing, to act decent, and to follow certain rules.

How many people will keep that bestseller way past the due date and prevent dozens of eager readers from enjoying the book? The library will now charge users the cost to replace unreturned items after 120 days. Under the old system, if a user returned a book after 120 days, it would only be a fine, which likely is cheaper than many items.

Crazy times breed crazy policies.

Shannon Moneo


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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