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LETTER: Crystal Pool referendum ballot poorly designed

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A digital rendering of the new Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre (City of Victoria)

The Crystal Pool referendum ballot was poorly designed and, dare I say, rigged to confuse people to answer a partial yes to the project by its blatant lack of a "No To Project" option.

As a result, some may have avoided answering the question regarding the location of the new facility which led to the ballot being tagged as "incomplete." Were incomplete ballots regarded as spoiled and thus not counted in the total results?

This was a very biased and unfair referendum.

A friend said, "Yes, I thought that was weird too. Very poorly written. And I saw no reason to answer the second question if I was voting no but I was afraid if I didn’t answer it then my ballot would be spoiled so I just picked one and went with it. How ridiculous."

How fair was the result of this referendum?

Bennett Guinn


Note from the editor: Victoria News has reached out to Coun. Marg Gardiner and posted her response here.