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LETTER: Current council has acted responsibly

I write in response to a letter written by Ron Baker, “Don’t blame the current council for development disruptions,” published in the May 12 Peninsula News Review insofar as it references densification and construction disruption in Sidney.

I write in response to a letter written by Ron Baker, “Don’t blame the current council for development disruptions,” published in the May 12 Peninsula News Review insofar as it references densification and construction disruption in Sidney.

It should be noted that upon approval of a building permit, developers are granted several years to begin and complete projects. Virtually all the newly constructed buildings in the downtown area of Sidney are due to permit approvals which predate the 2018 election of Mayor McNeill Smith and council, who were indeed overwhelmingly elected to undertake a more measured form of development in our town. In fact, it has been the preference of the current council to complete the new official community plan (OCP) prior to approving any new developments in the downtown core.

We have every reason to be thankful for our very hard-working council which has sought engagement with the public on many issues affecting Sidney and has overseen our municipal affairs in a very thoughtful and responsible manner.

Ken/Sue Groom


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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