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LETTER: Cyclists hold the right of way in certain crosswalks

I am a cyclist in my late 70s and am frequently cycling on the Lochside and Galloping Goose trails.

I am a cyclist in my late 70s and am frequently cycling on the Lochside and Galloping Goose trails.

As I often see aggressive cyclists who ignore traffic rules, I applaud the CRD’s plan to ticket those who refuse to follow them, particularly at crosswalks.

However, I would also ask that you publish the advice that not all crosswalks require the cyclist to dismount.

I use such a crosswalk very frequently and seldom do drivers grant me the courtesy of stopping to allow me to cross. I am usually the one stopping to allow them to speed through.

In the interest of safety, please inform car drivers that there are some crosswalks that do permit a cyclist to ride across without dismounting.

C.R. Hayes


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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