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LETTER: Cyclists pose risk to walkers on Galloping Goose

The Galloping Goose is just one block away from my home. I used to walk on it very frequently, either with my husband or with friends. Unfortunately I no longer enjoy using it because of the volume of cyclists.

The Galloping Goose is just one block away from my home. I used to walk on it very frequently, either with my husband or with friends. Unfortunately I no longer enjoy using it because of the volume of cyclists.

It is a shared trail and cyclists are supposed to ring a bell or call out when overtaking others but in my experience only about one in 40 will actually do this. Many go at such a speed that they would be unable to stop suddenly if necessary.

I keep to the right at all times and have been passed by a cyclist in the same lane when they are supposed to cross over to the other lane, just as drivers on the road do. Perhaps some education around proper trail etiquette is order, followed by enforcement since the existing signage doesn’t seem to work.

Mary Leaker


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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