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LETTER: Development exacts a cost on Greater Victoria tree cover

Could municipalities and developers face lawsuits for exacerbating effects of climate change?
Fresh-cut sawdust is seen from a tree cut from a cut block near the Fairy Creek logging area near Port Renfrew in October 2021.

Everywhere you look, Greater Victoria is under assault from the rush to build so-called affordable housing. There are many talking points on this subject, too many for this short letter, but I am wondering, with all of the mature trees being taken down in the process, if we are going to get bit in the bum by it. There have been several articles in recent days about how important old, urban trees are to our future.

In many jurisdictions, fossil fuel companies are facing lawsuits because of their hand in human-caused climate change. Could municipal governments and developers similarly end up in court down the road for removing trees and thereby exacerbating the effects of climate change, through the reduction in the removal of carbon, lack of shade, higher urban temperatures, flooding, and slides?

If nothing else, maybe this little letter will sow enough concern in the minds of those responsible and slow the chainsaws.

Dave Secco
