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LETTER: Development stripping away Sidney’s character

Turning left from Second Street onto James White Blvd, is quite a shock these days.

Turning left from Second Street onto James White Blvd, is quite a shock these days.

Where the Fire Hall once stood is now a rising behemoth complex of condos. Another massive building is rising up across the street, where once a two-storey apartment stood. In fact, the whole block plus, has three construction projects going up, to who knows what heights.

All around Sidney and the Peninsula large structures are becoming commonplace; gone are the character houses that were the charm of the 1960s, when I arrived in Sidney.

Many of the small personal shops on Beacon Avenue and side streets which embodied the essence of this seaside town, have disappeared, giving way to elaborate structures that dwarf the surrounding area, but no doubt increase the tax base.

Beacon Avenue is going to pot (pun intended): it’s anyone’s guess what will be conjured up next. Maybe a strip joint or casino.

The public should be able to have confidence in our elected council, trusting them to have long-term vision in steering the growth of our town. Striking a balance is not happening: Sidney is slated to become known as Condo City, unless the plug is pulled.

No one will be the victor when our town loses its unique appeal, developers and speculators will move on to conquer fresh pastures and new challenges, and Sidney will left brimming with lots of condos.

Margaret J. Jestico


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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