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LETTER: Election call a cynical power grab

The disingenuous, self-serving Horgan NDP has again demonstrated unequivocally that they are not interested in democracy or sharing power.

The disingenuous, self-serving Horgan NDP has again demonstrated unequivocally that they are not interested in democracy or sharing power.

Capitalizing on vulnerable opponents and eager for the usual false majority that they know can be theirs with 40 per cent of the votes and COVID fears, they count on low turnout to ensure their victory. Previously, this government deliberately scuttled electoral reform during a referendum they designed to fail.

Horgan has stated on the record, that he does not want to be ‘encumbered’ by having to involve other parties (i.e. the majority) in governing B.C. This is astounding. Our strength in crisis comes from the varied viewpoints and abilities that individual representatives and their parties bring to the conversation. Horgan wants dictatorship. With a bunch of unbelievable claims of ‘higher motives’, he has abandoned government and unnecessarily put voters at risk at the most critical time in our history. So, brave citizens, let’s show him and reject him and his brand of politics – punish the NDP at the polls.

However, let’s not forget what BC Liberals are about – we learned well enough during several terms that they’re controlled and beholding to corporate handlers. Their brand and the NDP brand is burned forever for this voter.

So, what to do? How about giving the Greens or other parties a lot more representation? The minority government has worked well (despite turncoat Weaver’s participation) and helped the NDP govern more accountably. Minority governments have proven time and again they’re the best because they keep a lease on power-hungry politicians.

We need only look out our windows to the U.S. to see where democracy can go. And let’s not forget that we couldn’t see out those windows a week ago due to climate-change induced wildfires. Enough! Get out and vote Horgan down to where he deserves to be and get some politicians elected who care about people and our future.

Mark Jeffers


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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