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LETTER: Every little bit helps with climate change

Firstly I must admit I have long agreed with the adage coined by my old friend, the late Jim Munro, “The climate is always changing – it’s called weather”. Also, like Jim, I am also old enough to remember that it was not that long ago that climate scientists warned us not of global warming but of the imminent threat of another ice age.

Firstly I must admit I have long agreed with the adage coined by my old friend, the late Jim Munro, “The climate is always changing – it’s called weather”. Also, like Jim, I am also old enough to remember that it was not that long ago that climate scientists warned us not of global warming but of the imminent threat of another ice age.

So I was a tad skeptical when I heard Poland had invited 22,000 of the world’s movers and shakers to fly to Poland in their private jets, tour in stretch limos and stay in five star hotels for two weeks during their climate change conference sponsored by the coal industry.

How on earth were they going to improve upon the much vaunted Paris Accord (now being so enthusiastically endorsed across France by “Les Gilets Jaunes”?)

But I must admit I was wrong. The 22,000 rallied together and not only exceeded Paris but created an agreed global action plan for the whole world to implement immediately. Now all we, the global taxpayers, have to do is to await the swift action so urgently committed to by our sincere and trusted political leaders and, of course, await our tax bill for their strenuous efforts and actions. Personally there is not much more I can do to help. We have been all electric since the 1970s.

However, I do feel that this year I should at least make at least one additional sacrifice to the cause so I will not be lighting our Christmas pudding this year and I urge your readers to do likewise. Every little bit helps.

Merry Christmas and a Happy (and hopefully cooler) New Year!

Richard Talbot


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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