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LETTER: Fletcher frustrates with Ontario analysis

Mr. Fletcher needn’t worry about taxpayer funds being funneled into the “pie-in-the-sky” promises of Ontario premier, as Harper will help

Re: Ontario election lessons for B.C.,

Tom Fletcher, in his excoriation of Ontario’s Liberal Party for it’s apparent adoption of an NDP “tax-and-spend” policy in order to win the recent election, has forgotten one small detail – namely that, in the run-up to next year’s federal election, the Harper government will be showering Ontario with riches (or the promise of riches), as it needs the votes from that province to retain its majority.

So Mr. Fletcher needn’t worry about taxpayer funds being funneled into the “pie-in-the-sky” promises of Ms. Wynne.  It’s preordained.

And he needn’t worry that funds are tight in these tenuous times.

The Harper government has decided to change the insignia for Canada’s military and provide the officers with new dress uniforms, so the belt-tightening days must be over, musn’t they?

Richard Weatherill

Saanich, BC



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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