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LETTER: Freedom the driving force of protest

I wish to defend the trucker’s movement as it reflects the deeply held beliefs of so many honest hard-working Canadians with no political axe to grind.

I wish to defend the trucker’s movement as it reflects the deeply held beliefs of so many honest hard-working Canadians with no political axe to grind.

There seems to be two opposing views of the truckers’ protest. The blame lies squarely with the mainstream media who have demonized them with multiple distortions of every aspect of this movement. Thankfully the truth has been amply broadcast by many independent media outlets and individuals on every aspect of the convoy and its activities.

People have come together under a wide-ranging spectrum of motivation and beliefs and there has clearly been a spirit of unity and positivity that has driven this throughout. I can attest from attending protests myself.

Freedom is probably the most cherished human instinct and it is clearly an idea whose time has come for so many of us.

And lest it be said that we are irresponsible, from what I have seen, these people, myself included, are by far the most well-informed people on the COVID issue. You may not like the idea that there are opposing views to what your government and media have approved, but I’ll tell you there is compelling truth out there if you look for it.

Much of it goes counter to the narrative that lockdowns and masks are effective and vaccines are safe. It is true there are many in this movement who are anti-vax, but also many who are vaxxed. We unite around the demand for bodily autonomy and less government control.

As the whole world is unwinding mandates, for our leader to demand truckers sitting alone in their truck to be vaccinated is insane. To brand this whole movement as fringe, white supremacist, etc. is not only insulting, it has sown an absolute eternal distrust of the Liberals and NDP. We will not forget their marginalization of so many decent people asking to be heard.

Paul O’Brien


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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