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LETTER: Hard to feel sorry for those with second homes

Re: Speculation tax delivers blow to retired couple. We are now reading stories about the struggles some part-time members of our community are having maintaining their second home due to the addition of the property speculation tax.

Re: Speculation tax delivers blow to retired couple. We are now reading stories about the struggles some part-time members of our community are having maintaining their second home due to the addition of the property speculation tax.

Personal stories are important as they help to understand another point of view. The government has stated that the purpose of the tax is to encourage more part-time homeowners to rent out their property, or to help fund more affordable housing options. The government must be held accountable to deliver on this.

Let’s not consider just the homeless as needing affordable housing. Many with full-time employment would like to move out of their parents’ basement, for example. As a community are we to sympathize with those who have two homes or with those who can’t afford one place to call a home of their own? Their stories are just as important.

Imagine if we become a community where, over time, part-time residents replace many full-time residents? It might be fine for those who can come and go at their convenience, but at what point do we become like a resort town? Those of us who are full-time residents are better supported by those who live and work in our community paying all appropriate taxes, and supporting local businesses year round. It’s worth considering when we see things from only one side.

Janice Davis

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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