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LETTER: Langford mayor dismisses input from residents

The Goldstream Gazette article that features Mayor Stew Young’s unsavoury comments targeted at Langforders who are raising legitimate issues is disturbing. Regardless of whether citizens are all for what is currently underway in Langford or have legitimate issues, all Langforders should reflect on whether they believe that the mayor’s conduct is becoming of the city’s most senior elected official and question whether councillors support the statements he has made.

The Goldstream Gazette article that features Mayor Stew Young’s unsavoury comments targeted at Langforders who are raising legitimate issues is disturbing. Regardless of whether citizens are all for what is currently underway in Langford or have legitimate issues, all Langforders should reflect on whether they believe that the mayor’s conduct is becoming of the city’s most senior elected official and question whether councillors support the statements he has made.

The mayor’s disdain for residents’ input is flagrantly demonstrated in this article in which he dismisses community input and diminishes those speaking out through mischaracterizations of groups and fanciful suppositions as to why people are not blindly following.

While Young believes the majority are in support, I ask, how would he know? There hasn’t been an effective broad-based community consultation process to inform the official community plan since 2008.

I believe that if you consulted those speaking out or the 1,650 or so members of the Langford Voters for Change group, you would find that they are not anti-development; and, would favour appropriately paced, thoughtful development that could address community needs, such as true affordable housing and incorporated measures to address the mounting issues, such as traffic congestion, inadequate parking, clear-cutting and environmental impacts, diminished quality of life (e.g. noise pollution, dust), etc.

The community would benefit from mayor and council remembering that they were elected to represent the residents; opening their minds to broad-based input; and focusing more effort towards addressing legitimate issues.

Jacqueline Gintaut


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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